The initiatory process in ancient egypt pdf free download

If, in so doing, a few sacred paradigms are busted, we say, let the chips fall where they may! Did a highly advanced civilization exist in prehistory? Is the Giza Pyramid a remnant of their technology? Then, what was the power source that fueled such a civilization? The technology of harmonic resonance, claims renowned master craftsman and engineer Christopher Dunn. In a brilliant piece of reverse engineering based on twenty years of research, Dunn reveals that the Great Pyramid of Giza was actually a large acoustical device!

By its size and dimensions, this crystal edifice created a harmonic resonance with the Earth and converted Earth's vibrational energies to microwave radiation. The author shows how the pyramid's numerous chambers and passageways were positioned with the deliberate precision to maximize its acoustical qualities.

This may be the same technology discovered by Nikola Tesla and the solution to our own clean energy needs. Whether you are interested in learning about the spiritual beliefs or historical facts of the ancient Egyptians, this book is packed full of information that will interest you.

In this book, you will learn about: - The Gods and Goddesses of ancient Egypt - Ancient Egyptian Creation Myths - Death and The Afterlife, as understood by ancient Egyptians - Maat, the Egyptian concept of morality and order - Religious customs and burial beliefs of ancient Egypt - A look at ancient Egyptian society, including their daily lives and their technology, medicine, and science.

A primer for the explosive advances humanity will experience scientifically and spiritually in the coming years, this compendium explores the ET phenomenon and its influence on humanity past and present. The book surveys contact with ETs and abduction accounts, unexplained public and undisclosed military technology from aliens including anti-gravity devices, exopolitics the influence of ETs in human affairs , the Iraqi Stargate, the Hybrid Project of alien interbreeding by abduction, Nazi ties to UFOS and their secret underground base in Antarctica, government cover-ups of alien interactions including Roswell, and the transformation triggered by the Hale-Bopp comet.

Based on interviews with people who are witnessing the coming changes as well as those visionaries who are actually bringing them about--including John Mack, Major Jesse Marcel, Paul LaViolette, Robert Bauval, Michael Salla, and Helen Wambach--this book sketches out a breathtaking vision of the planetary revolution just around the corner. Gordon shows that Egyptian civilization is 50, years older than acknowledged by Egyptology. He explores astrophysical, cosmological, geophysical, linguistic, and anthropological evidence to reveal forgotten civilizations hidden beneath the Mediterranean and along the coast of northwestern Africa.

Examining the mystical traditions and initiatory rituals of the ancient Egyptians, Gordon shows that they were not a culture obsessed with death and tombs but one structured around cosmic knowledge, with an astronomical competence that modern science has yet to attain.

He reveals their sophisticated understanding of the precession of the equinoxes and its inextricable connection to human evolution and divine purpose--an understanding that could only have arisen from many millennia of high-level observation. A groundbreaking historical documentation of the secret history of pre-Pharonic Egypt and the race of angels that built it.

Hidden deep below Egypt's Giza plateau is perhaps the key to unlocking the mysteries of the Great Pyramid, one of the seven wonders of the world. The idea seems to be that, very long ago, there was some form of advanced spiritual knowledge. Beyond its historical aspects, this work, which features a wealth of illustrations, invites us to discover the ways in which Rosicrucians of past and present have tried, through a chriatian Primordial Tradition, to rediscover the vital thread connecting them to the Divine.

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These cookies do not store any personal information. Darkness and Doors To every initiate, the progression toward illumination has the same prelude: the long crossing, under the guidance of Anubis, of the sacred domain.

Who approaches this Soul? Whence does he come, the one Who ascends toward this Soul That a high knoll conceals? Secret thing That we know not! Verily, I am someone worthy of esteem, I am someone who knows how to keep a secret, I am a servant in the temple of Osiris! Open to me! I am a human who knows Its magical formula, I was initiated into these secret things , And did not repeat them To the uninitiated.

At the door of the temple, the candidate is addressed and the intention is unveiled: this mortal being wants to ascend toward the Holy of Holies, center of spirituality where the Osirian Soul radiates; the candidate wants to approach the sacred knoll under which the God Savior lies. And here comes the answer of the traveler, voiced in a peremptory tone: Let the doors be opened to me! I have not repeated what cannot be known.

I am someone who knows how to keep a secret. Then the doors open. However, the initiatory itinerary shall adapt itself to the plan of each sanctuary. For example, in Busiris the candidate crosses the entire temple before reaching the Holy of Holies; in Abydos, one goes directly underground toward the aquatic hall where the tomb is immersed. In Abydos, a subterranean passage of approximately meters in length was conceived by a people careful, in its architecture, to accustom the soul to forget the illusions of the world.

To forget ones temptations, to go down into this Earth, meant the same as to regain the energy that life had used up. Is Earth not the welcoming matrix where the tree takes root to prepare its fruit?

Is she not the mysterious Mother who wears on her body rocks and plants, beasts and humans? Every living thing draws life from her, and every thing returns to her at the time of death.

In the maternal entrails, all being lies dormant, waiting to be reborn. When people die, they also return to this matrix, similar to the embryo, and there prepare for rebirth. All humanity has feltand still experiencesthe creative power, the inexpressible mystery of Earth, our Mother. First the initiates know that to go down inside her body, to lose oneself in her darkness, is to regain life.

The long psychic night of the initiatory process is a return to the sources. It is there that humans shall bathe themselves and emerge, awakened, in illumination! The Book of the Dead proclaims the miracle thus: Thy face is open in the abode of Darkness! Nevertheless, before opening ones eyes to the Great Light, one must travel a dark land where nothing alludes to earthly existence.

Before we may acquire higher knowledge, humanswhether dead or alive, during the initiation or after deathmust first forget Earth and its illusions. But here we ask for that which we wished for while we were alive: We want to eat and to drink; to love and to breathe. In the Hereafteror during the initiatory process, which reflects its essencewe shall not receive our ration of beer nor our love desires. Nevertheless, we shall be given a matchless treasure: peace of Heart and the almighty power of Mind.

The fact is that there is no water, there is no breeze. This land is deep, deep, Dark, dark, Without limits nor frontiers! The God: There, thou shalt live with thy heart at peace. The Initiate: But one cannot, over there, Satisfy love! The Initiate: And what will be my lifespan? The God: Thou shalt live for millions and millions of years ; Thy life shall last for millions of years! To successfully complete this passage, especially for the initiate, was the main thing; for at the end of the roadin the Hereafter or in the initiatory templeGod shall await his creature: Thou standest at the portals That keep the crowd away; The one in charge of the threshold Comes out and walks toward thee.

This God exults When thou approachest; His hand, he gives it to thee; He gives thee a kiss, He takes thee in his arms. At the head of the Souls He assigns a place to thee. In this excerpt from the Pyramid Texts, the deceased king, resuscitated in Heaven, obtains from the god the sublime rendezvous.

However, in initiatory rituals, it will be on Earth, in the darkness of the Holy of Holies, that the human, justified, during a theatrical appearance, shall see God face to face. Before entering the Hall of Judgment, the candidate undergoes a preparation. Apuleius again expresses his thoughts freely on the subject. A master of inspired mien. Was the future initiate required to keep secret what is about to be learned?

To accept henceforth to live according to Maat Truth-Justice? To engage the Self at once, without remission, in the eternal life? Remember, Isis says, and keep forever engraved deep in thy heart the fact that thy whole career, till the end of thy life, down to thy last breath, is pledged to me. Consequently, a promise was exacted. The obligation was probably taken inside the sanctuary, perhaps in the hypostyle. In its austere shadows and with no one within hearing, the candidate thus prepared the inner Self for the great Mysteries of the Holy Night.

Here the candidate, taken by the hand of a guide, is led into the last room, to the very end of the night. Let us imagine at that time the sacred emotion of the candidate! The famous Hall of Judgmentwhich the funerary papyri locate in the Hereafterhad its replica on Earth: the place of initiatory trial. It is the mysterious Holy of Holies. There the weighing of the souls shall take place. There, a balance, the Scale of Justice, stands. On this day when the mistakes are counted In front of the universal Master.

Does not Paheri, one initiate among so many others, recall the prestigious event in his biography: I was called, placed on the Scale; I left the Room , Weighed, faultless, and saved. Next to the implacable flail of Justice, venerable masters are waiting. These persons, masked in this case, have become the gods of Judgment.

Here are Thoth, the ibis; Anubis, the jackal; Horus, the falcon. The light of the torches carves fierce features on their faces; like fleeting images of a fantastic dream, their profiles move on the walls, animated by the fire flickering in cups.

The candidate remains motionless on the threshold. I have approached the gods These gods are demanding. Each one of them is now going to ask questions. Chapter of the Book of the Dead seems to have kept a dramatic memory from the examination. First, the gods speak to the Guardian of the Threshold: Have him come! Then, speaking to the candidate: Who art thou?

What is thy name? Which way didst thou go? And over there, what didst thou see? The visitor gives his name. He states what he has seen. Then the gods speak in chorus: Do come and cross this threshold for the Hall of Maat! The candidate moves forward. However, ones eyes remain fascinated by a holy and white form. What are those faces covered with ibis or jackal masks, compared to the radiant human face of the messenger of hope?

Behind the scale, here he is, Osiriswrapped tightly in his immaculate shroud, holding the scepter and the flail. The candidate bows. He salutes the Savior: Osiris! I have come here to see thy perfection, And my two hands are raised , Glorifying thy true name! To whom shall I announce thee?

The visitor, in mighty voice: Announce my coming To the god whose dwelling Has a roof of flames, Walls of live serpents, And a floor like a river! This god is Osiris! He bows his head as a sign of acquiescence. Led by Horus, the falcon, the candidate advances amid the moving flashes in the Hall of Maat. Before the throne of Light, the candidate proclaims complete innocence: Greetings to thee, great god, Who is master of Maat!

I know thee, Yes , I know thy name, And I know the name s of the forty-two gods Who are there , with thee. I did no wrong Toward humanity. I did no evil. I am pure, I am pure, I am pure, I am pure! Paheri, Prince of El Kab in the Eighteenth Dynasty, in his biography states that he was examined and found faultless and finally saved.

The scale carries, on one of its dishes, a symbol of the Soulthe soul of the candidate laden with all its actionsand on the other, a feather, the counterweight of Justice, the majestic symbol of Maat! Then the god Thoth records the weighing. It is in consonance with Maat; in truth, this soul is all filled with Maat! In Maat the Truth , thou art initiated! Papyrus T32, Leiden It is the decisive moment when the human blends with Maat. Here the initiate becomes the incarnation of Maat.

If Egypt was greatand still remains soit is because it guided the first steps of Humanity toward a greater light. Everyone can, through appropriate behavior, identify with Ma at, the harmony of the world. Everyone can become a part of Maat and attain glorification in its eternity.

Coffin Texts, 4, A spiritualization through rituals followed spiritual promotion. By entering the holy water of the original sea and then coming out of it, just as a new Sun on the first day of creation, the human being was reborn without past, without sin, with the eternity of a star: Here we are ready to live again,.

It has restored vigor To the one who begins his youth anew. Let the old man take off his clothes. Then another one puts them on! Numerous are the basins in Egypt which adjoin the temples. It is there that the rites of lustration were conferred upon the masters, and initiations were probably performed there also.

But here is the important thing: To reach the tomb of Osiris on the aquatic esplanade, the visitor first had to step down into the holy water in order for sins to be washed away. No other site still standing in ancient Egypt seems better arranged for initiations.

Now let us imagine the splendor of this hall when the roof was still on, as the heavy architraves testify. The water in the basin glistens under the fleeting glimmers of the lamps and torches. Masked officiating ecclesiasts surround the initiate. Clothes are relinquished the impure clothes that cloaked the old person.

The initiate slowly steps down into the original sea and is enveloped in holy water. As a mother, she welcomes him. Like a setting Sun, the candidate goes down into the abyss and then emerges from it as a Sun, resuscitated.

Having become Osiristhrough justificationand likened to Ra the Sun through regenerationthe initiate climbs the twelve steps of the Osireion leading to the august esplanade.

Among the heavy pillars protecting the dead God, the candidate receives new clothes: white linen veils. This waiting period is very important, for the longer and the more submissive it is, the more striking the revelation of the Holy Thing will appear when the time comes.


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