Psychology textbooks pdf free download

Depression: Theory, assessment, and new directions in practice article author E. Treatment of Psychological Disorders author Christie P. We hope you liked it and already have your next book! If you found this list useful, do not forget to share it on your social networks. Do you want more Psychology books in PDF format? Psychology books in PDF:. Do you want to read about another topic? Art and Photography. But one part is also dedicated to carrying out research from universities on a wide range of topics related to human behavior.

In our list of more than 20 books on General Psychology in PDF format , you can find everything related to the subject, its branches, applications and field of work. We have included books in Spanish and Portuguese.

Each of the books on General Psychology has been released for free distribution or is in the public domain. If you found this list useful, do not forget to share it on your social networks. Do you want more Psychology books in PDF format? Here we present our complete selection of General Psychology books:. Beginning Psychology author Lardbucket.

To understand humanist psychology, one must know the context in which it is framed, which is none other than the human being as an individual. We are not mistaken if we say that this approach, this theoretical and practical perspective is one of the most remarkable psychological currents today. It is a legacy that is worth knowing and that can undoubtedly provide us with valuable tools. Neurolinguistic Programming is a discipline that tries to explain how our brain works and define its mental patterns, making it easier for us to understand ourselves and allowing us to change them using certain techniques in order to optimize our communication skills.

NLP uses behavioral and communication techniques and strategies to make it easier for people to change their thoughts and actions in favor of others that give better results and success.

This instrument allows us not only to become the one we could be if we made the most of our abilities, but also the one we wish to be by reinterpreting the information that comes to us from outside, that is, giving a different meaning to certain events that have been powerfully marking us.

Organizational psychology , together with clinical psychology and education, are the main pillars that propagate the study of the nature of temperament, character, personality and idiosyncrasy of human beings in the different spheres that make up organizations. This branch of psychology is focused on the study of human behavior in the workplace, and is responsible for looking after the interests of both employees and institutions or organizations, as well as enhancing the performance and productivity of employees through innovative strategies, motivations and incentives, with the aim of promoting personal development and professional growth of each employee.

The objective of the psychologists specialized in this branch is to know how an individual affects the rest and the organization in general, and how this affects the behavior of each one of the individuals. Social psychology could be defined as the study of the interaction of human beings, especially in groups and social situations, and highlights the influence of social situations on human behavior. Gordon Allport.

Social Psychology is also defined as the science that studies social phenomena and tries to discover the laws that govern coexistence. It investigates social organizations and tries to establish the patterns of behavior of individuals in groups, the roles they play and all the situations that influence their behavior.

If you want to learn more about this exciting branch of Psychology here are our selections of free books and materials. Having a psychologist to help from your field can mean in many cases the difference between reaching a goal or staying on the road. Sports psychology studies how, why and under what conditions athletes, coaches and spectators behave the way they do as well as investigating the mutual influence between physical activity and participation in sport and psychophysical well-being, health and personal development.

There is no country in the world where some kind of sport is not practiced. Thousands of articles have been written about the benefits of practicing sport, whether amateur or professional, and how this regular practice is related to both physical and mental health. This branch of psychology focuses on the evolution of the physical, motor, cognitive, perceptive, affective and social aspects.

Childhood is the most important stage of life, since it is the period in which the child develops his first attachments and social bonds, his personality, his self-esteem, his resources… in short, childhood is the stage where the child forms an idea about himself, the world and the future, an idea that will remain stable during the adult stage and will be the basis of his psychological well-being. One aspect of psychic development is the emergence, variation and improvement of psychic processes and qualities of children: perception, attention, imagination, memory, thought, language, feelings and primary forms of behavior direction.

Clinical psychology is a sub-discipline within psychology that studies all the elements involved in mental disorders and, more generally, mental health.

Thus, clinical psychology carries out all the tasks of evaluation, diagnosis, prevention and therapeutic intervention in people with some kind of mental disorder or disadaptive behavior, with the purpose of restoring psychological balance and eliminating all suffering.

Psychology, and philosophy, this book provides a close study of mental incapacity defences, analysing their development through historical cases to the modern era. A site that brings both authors and readers into the world of free legal. Class 12 is the deciding class for your future.


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