Quite a few people think most of these detentions are false positives Hi, I'm sure one of the experts will answer your question. I have also read that it does spit out false positives.
I would love to know if this has been changed with the new version. You can zip the file and attach it in a reply and I will submit it for review, or you can put the link for the download within CODE TAGS so that it's not a hyperlink click link and I'll download it and submit it for review. Thanks for the reply. Could you tell me which site you downloaded texmod from, as I'm still not sure which is the "official" one?
Also, when you said there was a new version, is this the 1. I have no idea if it's any safer than texmod, though. I've also come across a couple of other links recently - would it be okay to post these for testing in the next post? Hi LilacLizards, I suppose I didn't dl it from an "official" site. I use Texmod for Bioware games mostly Mass Effect and it is available on their social network. I am fairly confident that it's clean, as a lot of modders on the Bioware social forum link directly to it.
If it was bad, I'm sure folks would raise a stink about it or it would be removed. You can easily find it by googling Texmod and Bioware together. I've had the program for years and recently it prompted me to install a new version that looks completely different than the old one. Sorry if you've already seen this - I wasn't sure if I replied properly to this post or not. Thanks so much for agreeing to test the link.
Hopefully I've put the tags in correctly:. Admin possible to test this TexMod too which i downloaded from the google code page version is 0. I have deleted the file is the file safe? I've read that MBAM doesn't like the way texmod works to load textures into a game as that type of behavior looks suspicious. Thanks for the anti-virus info - I'm using McAfee Security Center and am hoping it won't decided Texmod is suspicious when I get round to downloading it.
Hopefully MBAM will be okay about running it now. You need to be a member in order to leave a comment. Sign up for a new account in our community. It's easy! Already have an account? Sign in here. This site uses cookies - We have placed cookies on your device to help make this website better. You can adjust your cookie settings , otherwise we'll assume you're okay to continue.
Share More sharing options Followers 1. Recommended Posts. For example, if you have used Tomb Ripper and replaced the Black Dress, you need to restore the original.
Tomb Ripper was the first to be found. This program "reads" the. If your paint program does not support this format, you must download the Plug-In. After editing the textures, you need to replace the DDS files.
Then, Tomb Ripper replaces the. BIG files, so you can view the changes in the game. As a result, you need to create backups of the original DDS files, in case you want to return back to the original appearance of the textures. As you can probably understand, this procedure is quite troublesome. TexMod was introduced later. We do not know if it was created before Tomb Ripper, but we learned about it later. RS made this program which again "reads" the. BIG files.
Whichever paint program you have, it definitely supports one of them. Moreover, the textures are placed in a special folder and you do not need to replace anything, making the task easier to complete. Is Bikini playable outside the Manor? The answer could be No , since the guys at Crystal Dynamics do not offer the specific "outfit" in the list when you replay a level.
Click here to download it and follow the included instructions. Bikini: Those that appear to be bikini and, in general, everything that has to do with water. The outfit is for Next Generation graphics only, or the. Home TR7 Index. What do I need? Which program should I use? This is really up to you. Here are a few notes about both programs, which might help you. Dress outfits: Those that appear to be dress. Shorts outfits: Those that appear to be shorts. Pants Outfits: Those that appear to be pants.